My Guilty Pleasure TV Shows

My Guilty Pleasure TV Shows

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I’m not particularly fond of the term “guilty pleasure” because I think people should just enjoy what they enjoy and not feel guilty about it. But I couldn’t think of a better phrase to describe these TV shows, so guilty pleasure it is! Basically, these are the TV shows that just, like, aren’t good but I am total trash for anyway. 


If I’m being honest, it is taking every ounce of restraint I have to not just fill this post with gifs of Cole Sprouse because he is the most important boi in the world do not @ me. 

Anyway, the first season of Riverdale was definitely cringe-y and cheesy, but at least it was dramatic and intense and addicting. The second season……? Not so much. It feels like the equivalence of my middle school fanfiction. There’s so much unnecessary filler and the plot that actually is there is shaky. Archie is dumb and annoying. I roll my eyes approximately 3 billion times per episode and yet…I can’t stop watching it! 



Believe it or not, I am binge-watching this series for the SECOND time. Like, wow, it’s so bad but so good. My friend (who also loves it) and I make fun of this show constantly, but, like, with love in our heart. 

Frankly, though, this show went on for too long. The characters are IDIOTS. There are plot holes out the wazoo. This show is an absolute mess but I’m not a tidy person so it works. 


I’ve officially declared this THE most cringe-worthy show I have ever watched. When it started airing, I watched the first few episodes and I just absolutely, completely, utterly COULD NOT handle it. The acting is atrocious. Some of the dialog makes me want to pull a Van Gogh on both of my ears so I never have to hear dialog that bad ever again. 


Do I watch the new episode every week? You bet your sweet potato pie I do. In my opinion, the 3rd season hasn’t been nearly as good as the first 2 so far, but I’m going to stick with it because for whatever reason, I need to know what happens to these characters! 


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I truly cannot explain why anyone likes this show. The characters are just the worst. 90% of the drama is petty, first-world, trivial bullshit that the characters created with their horrible, selfish, idiotic decisions. But of course I wanted them all to get their happy endings even though they definitely do not deserve them. 

This show is pretty much the paradigm if trashy television but if it’s wrong to love Gossip Girl, I don’t wanna be right. 



As far as bad television goes, this show pales in comparison to the other shows I’ve listed. Still, half the time, watching this feels like I’m watching a cheesy after school special. Isn’t that part of the appeal, though? It’s got some emotional moments, but overall it’s a happy-making show with some (cheesy) fight scenes thrown into the mix. 

I’d be lying, though, if I said that half of the appeal of this show for me wasn’t the dudes in it. Jeremy Jordan (the reason I started watching it in the first place) and Chris Wood sure know how to make my heart melt. 

Either way, I’m dying for the new season to come on Netflix and tbh just writing about the show and looking up gifs made me want to go rewatch the first season. 

Do you love any of these shows as well? What are your “guilty pleasure” TV shows? 

4 thoughts on “My Guilty Pleasure TV Shows

  1. Fun post! Guilty pleasure tv-shows are the best. I love Gossip Girl and Riverdale too, even though they’re a mess. I gave up on PLL though, even though I loved it, it just got too ridiculous after a while


  2. I don’t like the term guilt pleasure either, but I totally agree with your post. I definitely love Riverdale and Shadowhunters (haven’t seen season 3 yet), even though they are SO MESSY. I’d also say The Royals is on my list (literally just binge-watched season 4 this week). S1 was SO TRASHY, but I couldn’t stop watching and now it’s less trashy and has more plot, which I love.


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